Health and insurance to pay for care are primary concerns for all families. It is a good thing that they are not alone in dealing with these basic needs. As a society, we give priority to the wellbeing of children—the members of it who are most vulnerable to economic status and a family’s financial security. Some families may not be aware of health insurance programs administered by the federal and state governments designed for children. They cover doctor visits, prescription drugs, emergencies, vision, hospitalizations, hearing, vaccinations, and dental.
It is estimated that around one/seventh of a million children in Michigan are without health insurance. Research shows children with health insurance are more likely to get preventive care and receive treatment for chronic illnesses, such as asthma. Children who are covered are less likely to miss school because they are sick, which boosts their performance in the classroom. It also means fewer lost work days for parents and guardians.
Since November, I have been serving the Jackson area as a Community Navigator and my service is as a member of AmeriCorps. I perform outreach to educate families and organizations about HealthyKids and MIChild, Michigan’s low-cost and free health insurance, and assist families with enrollment in those programs. My host organization is the Center for Family Health. Helping children without insurance is rewarding, I can be confident the families I enroll will have access to care, but finding them can be a bit like a scavenger hunt.
Contact me to find out if your children are eligible, or let me know how you can help me get the word-out. Aaron Seagraves--#517-899-9525, or